Creating a Rewarding Workplace

Basic Approach Towards Creating a Rewarding Workplace

We are striving to create a workplace where employees with a diverse background can work in a healthy and rewarding way while displaying their full potential. We also seek to provide a respectful environment in which employees can work hard together as they grow. We are working on a range of different initiatives to achieve this.

Promoting Diverse Human Resources

To create a culture that promotes diversity, we train all employees through group and web-based seminars, and e-learning programs on the many different forms of harassment, such as sexual harassment and bullying.
In addition, to give older employees more opportunity to play a greater role, we eliminated the executive retirement age system in fiscal 2020.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

We are enhancing our benefits plans to help employees find the right balance for their individual work and family needs, whether it is childcare, caregiving or medical treatment.

◇Securing time for a healthy and fulfilling life

●Encouraging employees to take annual paid leave
Nagase Viita's unique leave system, combined with the planned granting of annual paid leave (annual leave), ensures 129 days off per year. In addition, to encouraging employees to take annual leave, in FY2021 we set recommended days for taking annual leave.

●Refresh Leave System
Employees who have been with the Company for 15 or 25 years are granted five consecutive days of special leave as recognition of their work and mental and physical refreshment, and those who have been with the Company for 25 years are given a monetary award as a token of appreciation for their long years of service.

●Special Leave System
Various special leave programs are available for marriage, spousal birth, bereavement, etc.

●Setting a day for no overtime
We set a No Overtime Day once a week and encourage employees to set their own No Overtime Day once a month. We strive to create a culture in which employees can maintain a good balance between their work and private life.

◇Choosing diverse ways of working and living

●Diverse systems for taking annual paid leave
We allow employees to flexibly take annual leave in units of half a day (morning or afternoon) or one hour, depending on their individual circumstances. In addition, we have introduced an Expired Annual Leave Accumulation System that allows employees to accumulate annual leave that has not been fully used by the expiration date and use it in the following year or later in case of injury, illness, or nursing care.

●Paid leave system due to accident/illness or nursing care
We provide a system that allows employees to take paid leave in the event of long-term injury or illness or when caring for family members.

●Flextime system
We offer a flextime system that allows employees to decide their own daily start and end times and working hours, and from fiscal 2021, we have abolished core time in favor of a super flextime system.

●Shortened working hours system
We provide a shortened working hours system that allows employees who are taking care of children up to the third grade of elementary school or caring for family members to shorten their regular working hours so that they can balance their work and family life.

●Remote working system
We have a remote work system that allows employees to work from home. The shortened working hours system and flextime system can also be used during remote working.

●Second career support system
To encourage autonomous career development, we have a Second Career Support System for those over a certain age who start their own businesses or change careers, with a special additional payment added to their retirement benefits.

Human Resources Education & Training

To contribute to a sustainable society, we strive to find people who enjoy change and continue to take up challenges, and have the mindset to compete on the global stage. To develop these kind of people, we have in place an educational environment (mandatory, open, and selective training) for every level of the organization: from new recruits through to potential future executives. We have also established a self-development system that gives motivated employees the opportunity to develop their abilities through free e-learning programs, correspondence courses, online English conversation classes, as well as TOEIC test support.
